Monday 7 October 2013

Barriers to Effective Communication 

General Barriers in Communication:

  • Cultural differences and language barriers such as person not being able to speak fluently in a language or having to communicate in a language such as sign language.
  • a bored audience and lack of audience participation and involvement or background noise and distractions such as people talking/ not paying attention, loud noises such as phones and cars.
  • Accidental prejudice or lack of understanding of a culture could offend the audience.
  • Lack of confidence, enthusiasm or motivation will make the audience bored or just be miserable.
  • The general mood of the speaker/audience will affect how things are communicated as if the speaker is in a bad mood or is stressed they might get things wrong or be more vocal and make the audience uncomfortable, also if the audience was generally in a bad mood they will become restless quickly and distract the person speaking.
  • Physical problems with the speaker like if they have a sore throat would make talking harder for the person speaking and be distracting to the audience.

Interpersonal Barriers in Communication:

  • Poor body language such as fidgeting and playing with something in your hands, certain hand gestures may be seen as offensive in different cultures.
  • The use of inappropriate or negative language such as slang or bad or offensive language.
  • Lack of interest and concentration resulting in staring at nothing and mixing words up because of the lack of attention.
  • Using overly complicated terms that the audience won’t understand will confuse them
  • Poor visibility is a barrier for communicating as if most of the time if the audience can see who is talking to them they will do other things like use their phone or talk
  • The lack of clarity for what is being spoken about is a big barrier in communication as you will end up losing the audiences interest and confusing them.

Written Communication Barrier:

  •   Poor spelling which makes you look lazy or appear to have poor literacy skills, grammar is the same as looking like you don’t care about your work/literacy.
  • Irrelevant content such writing about something not topical or includes false information.
  • Messy/irregular font will put the audience off the text. Poor presentation of your work such as not paragraphing and presenting it in a format that’s hard to read.

How can These Barriers be Prevented

How to Prevent General Barriers

  • Get a translator or learn the language of the audience that you are presenting to.
  • Ensure that your presentation is more lively and interactive this can be done by involving the audience and asking and answering questions. The presentation can also be made more entertaining to the audience by using multimedia to make it more interesting.
  •  Ensure that you be careful of what you say, consider planning and making notes beforehand and checking to see if anything could come across as offensive or rude by accident.
  • Try to assert yourself more and come across as confident to the audience.
  • Try to keep an upbeat tone and smile so that the audience does not feel uncomfortable.
  • Consider letting someone else fill in for you or ensure that you are able to adjust to these issues.

How to Prevent Interpersonal Barriers

  • Make sure that you keep things out of your hands and focus on what your hands are doing.
  • Think before you say something to avoid having an outburst of bad language.
  • Keep notes or memorize and practice what you have to say so that when speaking to the audience you know what you have to say and you wont lose focus and forget.
  • Ensure you know the kind of audience you are talking to and are aware of the terminology you use.
  • Make sure you are visible to the people that you are talking to you.
  • Make sure you address to the audience to what it is you are talking about.

How to Prevent Written Barriers

  • Proof read your work or have somebody else do it.
  • Ensure you check your facts and figures and that all the writing is relevant.
  • If you have bad handwriting have somebody else scribe for you or type up your work on the computer to ensure that it is neat.